Hér er galleríð mitt og vefbúð á netinu. Ég set jafnóðum inn nýjar myndir og einnig má finna eldri myndir. Einnig er ég með þær sýningar sem ég hef haft hér inni. Ekki hika að hafa samband ef einhverjar spurningar vakna.
here is my gallery and webshop on the interwebs. I add regularly new works and also have my current exhibition along side previous exhibitions. Don’t hesitate to contact me if there are any questions you migh have.
A Journey Of Iceland
American writer Erin Boggs and Icelandic artist Einar Örn have collaborated on a multiple sensory journey exploring Iceland depicted through art and poetry, featuring music from Icelandic musician Kaktus Einarsson. Through the experience, the audience will be immersed in the mystery and complex beauty of Icelandic environment and culture.
The project can be experienced through the book or exhibition.
The original works can be purchased a set of two plates. Poem plates are available in English and/or Icelandic.
Music by Kaktus Einarsson is available on streaming services or via QR code in book.
A Journey of Iceland
From Darkness To Light
The new book and exhibition
Pencil Drawing
These pencil drawings were done in 2019.
They were now on show in Smekkleysa Record Shop
by Hjartatorg in Reykjavik in 2024.
Good things happen slowly.
The exhibition “Spring Is Here”
features the art collaboration between
Einar Örn and Davíð Örn Halldórsson
in Smekkleysa Bar in Reykjavík
Digital Art Auction
Welcome to my auction,
at this auction I present drawings I have done on my iPad. And I find it fitting to auction them off.
I have used Verisart blockchain technology to verify the authenticity of these works, as mine, who else!?
Whether they are proper NFT’s I do not know. I am a novice. But I find this fun to do, hence me doing this, and that, all the time.
I know! I’ll call them EFT‘s!
Thinking Caps
These are my thinking caps.
I have made three different ones in this series.
Each cap is in limited run of 33.
They are numbered and signed.
auglýsing exhibition
These drawings were part of the „auglýsing“ exhibition
which I had in December 2019 in Reykjavik.
They are all ink on paper apart from two which are done on canvas.
These are all photographs of the art pieces,
so their full force is not quite as in real life.
Einkasýningin „skilaboð“ er hér í grunninn. Ég bæti við myndum. Hún breytist stöðugt. Ég fer yfir myndirnar mínar og tek mynd af henni og set hér inn.
Ef það er ekki mynd hér sem þér líkar getur þú sent mér skilaboð og ég kanna hvort ég hafi ekki eitthvað sem þér líkar. Að minnsta kosti erum við að tala saman.
Ef þér líkar mynd getur þú keypt hana beint héðan og við erum komin í samband.
Here is my private exhibition “message”. It is evolving as I add pictures into the gallery at regular intervals.
If there is something here now, you can buy directly. If not you can message me and see if I have something else or more to your taste.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.
A Journey Of Iceland
A Journey Of Iceland Erin Boggs Einar Örn Benediktsson A Journey of Iceland is a conversation between an alien and a local depicted through Einar Örn’s art and Erin Boggs’ poetry. The work consists of two plates, art and poem, in English and/or Icelandic.